10SET token smart contract update


10SET token smart contract update

We are pleased to announce the the ownership of the 10SET token smart contract has been officially renounced. You can refer to the transaction on the blockchain here: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x8e40093bfa5d9f6191c229857d4e186b2a807efb24eca3af046e6b531e02b33e

What does this mean? It is no longer possible for anybody to make any changes to the 10SET token contract. This is a common practice in crypto to demonstrate greater decentralization and increase community trust. They can rest assured that nothing will happen to their tokens.

This follows the announcement last week that the 4% token tax was removed. The primary reason that the renounce was not done previously was to allow for the team to change the tax and follow the community’s requests. Now that tax is removed, we were happy to proceed with this upgrade.

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